Saturday 28 December 2013

.Clothes Show Live.

Another late post, I know... I went to the Clothes Show Live on December 8th in Birmingham. I've been in previous years so I had high expectations, and this year didn't let me down. I am always overwhelmed by the scale of it and never know where to start because there are so many great brands that you just don't want to miss any out!  The make up brands such as Fab brows and Models own particularly caught my eye this year because of the great prices. The make-up bargains were too tempting and most of the brands stock was sold by midday! Apart from the make-up deals, there were of course great clothing brands selling both on-trend clothing as well as some more interesting pieces.
Some interesting pieces at the Clothes Show.
Every year the clothes show seems to get better, but the catwalk show was particularly amazing. Presented by designer, Henry Holland, and MTV presenter, Becca Dudley. The show captured your attention from the start, and the models, dancers and visual affects all combined to showcase stunning fashion pieces.

Here are some pictures I took at the show...

The opening of the Catwalk Show.
Swimmers theme.
'A day in the countryside' theme.

The Finale.

I have enjoyed every year so far so I'd definitely recommend going, for tickets for next year or if you want to take a look and some more pictures from this year, go to: