Sunday 22 June 2014

.Internship Beginning.

So this week I began a new journey... the course I chose to study at University was a sandwich year which involves spending a year in industry between 2nd and final year. After having the most amazing 2 years at Uni with the most amazing people, I have to sadly leave the student life and join the working world for a year. The last few weeks have definitely been a shock to the system, and becoming an early bird has been somewhat of a struggle, but I hope at the end of this year I will know exactly what career I want to do, and I'll have the knowledge and experience to get me there. So this blog will now also be partly an update of my placements throughout the year.

The first internship I began three weeks ago was at a fashion PR company, VARG. VARG has many luxury Scandinavian clients ranging from Filippa K, BACK, Cornelia Webb, Swedish Hasbeens, and Atterley road. The company employs quite a small team which really attracted me from the get go because I knew I'd have a lot of responsibility and a lot of work... And so far I really have! It feels like I've already been working there for months. I've been slightly thrown in the deep end, which I love, and have had to carry out many tasks such as coverage reports on all of the brands VARG looks after, sample management, sample send outs, call backs, and liasing with stylists and clients from many publications; Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Cosmo, Company and Glamour.

After being there 3 weeks I feel pretty settled and already a member of the team, and I actually know what I'm doing now. I've also bonded with the office dog, Bob, who is so famous in the fashion world he even has an Instagram hashtag #vargbob. I’m learning a lot and like it here. More updates to come! 

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