Sunday 13 July 2014

.Intern Necessities.

So after interning at Varg Ltd for a month I can safely say that I have learnt a lot about working in PR and in the fashion industry. From my month in the full time working fashion world I have come up with a few necessities for people that are interning, that have got me through my first month.

1.     Flat Shoes
As glamorous as the fashion industry may look on the MTV series of The Hills, in reality it involves a lot of running around. Interning in PR is sending a lot of samples to a lot of different places, and I've spent the past month running to publications like Glamour, Elle, Cosmopolitan and Vogue dropping off samples in time for their shoots and features. So I've found that fashionable but FLAT shoes are definitely the way to go. They can still be on trend, like these 2 pairs of mine from Topshop and New Look; you can get them from any high street store and they definitely save your feet.
New Look.
2.    Coffee and lots of it
A combination of early starts, the daily commute, and busy and long days has driven me to become slightly dependent on coffee. I find it helps give me a boost on days when I'd rather be in bed, and the occasional Starbucks is bought on a day I fancy treating myself. This, or the healthy option of green tea, will help to boost energy levels when you need it. And getting a novelty flask is super convenient, like my typical fashion intern one that says VOGUE on it.
3.    Notebook and pen
It sounds like the obvious, but I wouldn't have been able to keep up with everything that goes on in the office without making quick notes and a constant to do list. I think a cute notebook like this one from Paperchase, is perfect for making sure you don't forget to do a task.
Paperchase, £5.
4.    Mini Victoria's Secrets Perfume
Especially because of the recent hot weather, this mini Victoria's Secret perfume called heavenly has been perfect for freshening up throughout the day. Victoria's Secret do loads of cute travel perfumes in lots of fragrances, that are perfect to keep in your handbag.
Victoria's Secret Heavenly Perfume
5.    Oyster card
Obviously this only applies to interns in London, but the Oyster card has been so convenient whilst interning. I have already gotten so much use out of it after travelling across London on a daily basis. It means you can use the buses and tubes without hassle when you've been asked to drop off samples to the other side of London on a deadline.

6.    A statement necklace
Very on trend at the moment and available in loads of different styles and colours. I have a few statement necklaces and they help transform quite a casual outfit into a professional look for the office and for after work cocktails. I love these two from Topshop and Zara.
Topshop, £12.50.
Zara, £29.99.
7. Rain Mac
It wouldn't be a British Summer without some rain, so it helps to be prepared with a rain mac or trench coat. I love my Trench Coat that I got from Mango, it is waterproof but still on trend.
Trench Coat on a rainy day of delivering samples.
8. After work cocktails
There are so many places to go in London for dinner and drinks so if you're interning in London then make the most of it and explore. Meeting friends for cocktails after work has become my favourite past time, especially when there is a happy hour! My favourite areas at the moment are the Southbank and Soho.
Cocktails from Las Iguanas, Southbank.
After feeling like I've spent the last few weeks re-enacting scenes from the Devil Wears Prada, these items have helped me get through my first month. I know I'll definitely be updating this list throughout my internship. 

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