Thursday 12 September 2013

.The beginning.

I've been meaning to start a blog for a while and never got round to doing it, but recently I've had a lot that's inspired me and thought I should start writing about it. So here it is, Fashion Chatter. Not the most inventive of names but pretty much sums up the main subject I'll be writing about. I'll use this blog to share my opinions but also kind of as a way of figuring out what path I want to take. Also, this summer I've been exposed a lot to different areas of the fashion industry from head offices, to catwalks, and wanted a place to write about them all. I'm not just a clothing-obsessed girl that doesn't care about anything else, so on here will be things I find intriguing and beautiful; fashion sometimes, but not always. But I can't help but be inspired by this industry; from creative designers to the changing trends and styles. 

So I hope you enjoy my blog.  

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